News > What is a letter of protection in a personal injury claim ?
What is a letter of protection in a personal injury claim ?
What is a letter of protection ?
A letter of protection (LoP) is a document sent by a doctor to a personal injury lawyer representing a victim of injury.
These are documents that the medical provider has sent to the personal injury attorney to guarantee that the provider will receive payment in a future settlement or verdict for your medical treatment.
What is a letter of protection for ?
A protection letter in the case of personal injury is what your lawyer sends to your doctor to stop collecting medical bills until your case is resolved.
A protection letter is a legally binding contract between an injury victim and their lawyer and the healthcare provider in a particular case. It is written by the victim's lawyer to treat the doctor and provide medical care to the victim if they cannot afford to do so on their own, either with cash or credit.
Considering that an injured victim has to pay substantial medical bills after his accident, a protection letter (personal security deposit) can be used as payment to doctors and hospitals.
When your attorney sends you a letter, you don't have to worry about being picked up or having to pay for medical care out of your own pocket. In this way, you can get the treatment you need, even if you are not able to get there immediately. Letters are handled by experienced injury lawyers in our office.
If your personal injury lawyer is experienced and knowledgeable, he will not accept in the first place a weak case, let alone advise a client to send a protective letter in which he believes he will be left in financial distress. If a qualified lawyer issues an injunction on your behalf, it is a good idea to have an open discussion to see if the issue is a wise move for your particular case.
What Happens If I Don’t Win My Injury Case ?
A Letter of Protection (LoP) is a written agreement to pay all medical expenses that you owe the physician for a future recovery if you settle your case, take it to the court or make a judgment. Note that you do not have to issue a LoP to any healthcare provider.
It is a contractual agreement in the form of your lawyer with the healthcare provider that states that the settlement proceeds cover the current medical costs. If you do not succeed in your civil lawsuit and neither party is at fault, you are responsible for paying the medical bills out of your own pocket.
Is a letter of protection legally binding?
It is a binding contract between the victim, his lawyer, and the healthcare provider in a particular case. It promises to pay a doctor for medical services provided on behalf of the victim.
The LoP promises that your lawyer or doctor will look after you without paying for the services that will be provided for your claim until the claim is settled.
Contact a Lawyer4Help Attorney with Questions regarding personal injury & medical malpractice cases:
Simply put, a protection letter is a document intended to help those who have been injured due to negligence in obtaining medical treatment when they have serious difficulties paying for it.
Our attorneys at Lawyer4Help USA have been dealing with claims for damages for over 11 years and have established relationships with reputable physicians willing to negotiate payment for your treatment plan so that you do not have to worry about medical bills in the course of your suit.
If a person is injured through negligence, the accident victim's health insurance company may be reluctant to cover medical costs if it can point the finger at the other parties involved. By negotiating an installment payment for your healthcare provider, our lawyers can help protect your bills from debt collectors and protect your credit and assets while your claim is being processed.